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主頁 關於我們 News Chinatown E-Paper

News Chinatown E-Paper

Chinatown is a place well known to all of us!

It is a place full of humanities and controversies.

People come and go in a rush, but in time, people who are new to the place will become old residents and turn

the place into their native homeland.


  1. To the new immigrants, we have the duty to let them learn and understand more community news.

  2. To the old immigrants, we have to praise and commend their achievements and success stories.

  3. To the business community, we provide professional intermediary service.

  4. To the restaurateurs, we establish the Restaurateurs’ Association to protect and solve problems for its members.

  5. To the readers, we periodically liaise with tour operators in the community to tailor-make tour routes,
    starting from knowing Massachusetts.

  6. We set up the special discount zone, apart from saving the cost to buy the newspapers;
    you can earn some money from it.

  7. Without necessarily referencing any specific person or event, we, in the form of fiction,
    tell the stories of Chinatown which are unknown to most people.

  8. To the general public, we have the obligation to provide a Chinatown which is all about
    and concern their everyday life.

News Chinatown is an uncommon e-paper with a focus on you, me and everyone. It is a newsletter that belongs to the public mass.
In this hard time of financial turmoil while newspapers are trimming down and compromising their quality,
News Chinatown will base on the principle of ‘rock-bottom pricing to assist the business community to develop.
In the spirit mutual assistance, we should brace together and bravely face the economic downturn.

Please Email : info [at] newschinatown.com for More Information.

Detail information with price  [PDF]

You may download the free PDF reader here.

唐人街號外 News Chinatown是選用較合理價格定位的電子媒體,去拓展商務。在此 本人 徐佩蒂 謹代表唐人街號外電子報同人,為尊貴商户議定價格。


徐佩蒂 Betty Hsu 總編輯  Managing Editor

鄒國綸 Alan Chow 發行人 Publish


Information Director 訊息發放主任

Jason Huang 黄忠鸿



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