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Mohegan Sun casino in  MA.  ( Image from Mohegan Sun Massachusetts)


(News Chinatown 徐佩蒂報導) (資料來源:波士頓市長辦公室提供;全文以英文版本為準。) 波士頓市長Mayor Martin J. Walsh與金神大賭場簽署了一項協議,該協議提供了一個估計 $300M 美元投資,在波士頓擁有超過15年的持牌權。

波士頓市長Mayor Martin J. Walsh說:「這是一個艱難的決定,但我有責任去維護我們城市的最佳利益,以及感謝對在這項建議中,作出影響力的周邊社區團體和決策者。」


有了這個協議,金神大賭場在馬薩諸塞州將投資 $45M,去改善波士頓市和賭場網站區域的交通,波士頓的城市將因此獲得 $30M美元,超過10年在東波士頓地區資本項目收益,每年將獲得最低 $18M 美元,作為賭場發展對社會影響的金額。


注入了 $50M 美元以上的經濟效應,此外,金神大賭場還承諾會優先考慮僱用填寫計劃建設階段之東波士頓的居民,並在賭場開業時僱用當地市民還可聘用在其分支機構單位工作。



波士頓市還簽署了與Suffolk Downs的協議,將通過持續的財產和房地產稅收,保全數百個就業機會其收益,Suffolk Downs亦已同意;波士頓市對這項「整體規劃」承擔監督作用,這項協議是在下午4:00 (7/ 10) 在市長辦公室簽署。

Mayor Walsh Signs Surrounding Community

Agreement with Mohegan Sun

BOSTON – Today Mayor Martin J. Walsh signed a Surrounding Community Agreement with Mohegan Sun Massachusetts. The deal provides for an estimated $300M in investments in Boston over a 15-year period.

“This was a difficult decision, but I have a responsibility as the Mayor of Boston to protect the best interests of our City, and of those in the neighborhood most impacted by this proposal,” said Mayor Walsh. “Mohegan Sun has engaged fully with our team and with this City, with a clear intent to be a good neighbor to our community. I appreciate their willingness to come to the table and work together on a deal that supports and strengthens Boston’s infrastructure and economy.”

With this agreement, Mohegan Sun Massachusetts will invest $45M in transportation improvements to the City of Boston and the area surrounding the casino site. The City of Boston will receive $30M over 10 years for local capital projects in East Boston, and will receive a minimum of $18M annually to mitigate the community impact of the casino development. This community impact annual payment will increase based on gross gaming revenue calculated in a given year.

In addition, Mohegan has pledged to use local vendors for goods and services for their facilities, which will inject upwards of $50M into the Boston economy. Mohegan has also pledged to give preference to East Boston residents when hiring to fill positions in the construction phase of the plan, and in the jobs that become available with the casino and its affiliates upon opening.

If there is an attempt to introduce a gaming- or casino-related facility in any part of property located in East Boston, Mohegan agrees to address Boston as a host community as they engage in the plans. This will immediately trigger a vote for community members, and a discussion of new, revised mitigation as a host community.

As part and parcel of today’s transaction, the City of Boston also signed an agreement with Suffolk Downs which will preserve hundreds of jobs and secure revenue through continued property and real estate taxes. Suffolk Downs has agreed that they will keep their track open for the duration of the casino license for Region A. In addition, if Suffolk Downs begins any reconstruction or revitalization of their property, the City of Boston will serve in a master planning and oversight role.

This agreement was signed at approximately 4:00 p.m. (7/10/14) in the Mayor’s Office.



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