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(Caption: Mayor Martin J. Walsh and Chief of Human and Health Services, Felix Arroyo, stands with Vanessa Simplice of Mattapan (left) and Adonis Pitts of Roxbury (right), both members of the Mayor's Youth Council)

市長Martin J. Walsh宣布


(News Chinatown 徐佩蒂報導)

波士頓市長Martin J. Walsh宣布,在舊金山市舉行之第83屆「美國市長會議」中,波士頓獲得「首屈一指」 2015年排名第一最佳城市宜居獎;得獎宗旨根據:實施改善優質在美生活項目中,側重於領導力、創造力,今年的「獲獎城市會議」是廷續前市長創立的活動項目,在來自200多個參選中勝出。

市長Martin J. Walsh 說:「我很榮幸能夠代表波士頓市獲得這一獎項,與此同時政府與社區居民及年青人合辦項目,並賦予他們在他們的社區作出積極良好的變化,我很驕傲我們的年輕人能夠接受挑戰,用心思好好運用政府提供的資源,更好地服務於市民,這份促進責任和責任感的成效,令他們得以被冠美譽。」

在過去了的36年中,波士頓已被公認為「青年領導變革計劃」的打造城市,官員和青年在周圍社區之間的「信任和合作」有了很穩固的基礎,「城市競逐獎項」是市長會議和 (Waste Management, Inc) 廢物管理公司,全國最大的環保解決方案提供商合辦。

該方案:青年領導,推動年齡在12-25歲的年輕人,$1 million的撥款,提升改進更有美好前景的居住城市。查看視頻:https://vimeo.com/131215784。


市署青年參與就業主任Shari Davis表示:「這是為年輕人設計的項目,過程中一大批青少年領導變革的成功是對青年參與創造真正的機會,我們能夠做到這一點的滿足年輕人他們在哪裡,建立關係,並讓他們令我們知道他們擁有創作空間並且他們是優秀的專家。」




(News Chinatown Coverage)

BOSTON — Mayor Martin J. Walsh announced that Boston has been awarded first place in the 2015 City Livability Awards Program, which took place during The U.S. Conference of Mayors’ 83rd Annual Meeting in San Francisco.

The 2015 City Livability Award recognized mayoral leadership in developing and implementing programs that improve the quality of life in America’s cities, focusing on the leadership, creativity and innovation demonstrated by mayors. This year’s winning cities were selected by former mayors from a pool of over 200 applicants.

“​I am honored to receive this prestigious award on behalf of the City of Boston," said Mayor Walsh. "We’re involving our youngest and brightest residents in local government, and empowering them to make positive changes in their neighborhoods​. ​I am proud we were able to challenge young people to ​think ​​critically ​about how to spend taxpayer dollars in a way that better serves the people. This fosters a sense of responsibility and accountability​; and they walk away knowing their voices matter.”

This is the 36th year in which cities have competed for the award, which is sponsored by the Conference of Mayors and Waste Management, Inc., the nation’s largest environmental solutions provider. Boston was recognized for its “Youth Lead the Change Program,” which aims to create a foundation of trust and collaboration between city officials and the youth in the surrounding community. The program, entirely youth-led, puts young people aged 12-25 in direct control over $1 million of the city budget. View video, here: https://vimeo.com/131215784.

Over 1,550 youth participated in the 2014 program, and seven projects were funded, including park renovations, art wall construction, sidewalk improvements, and a skate park feasibility study. This year, over 2,500 youth participated in the program and voted on how funding should be allocated.

"This is a process designed by and for young people,” said Shari Davis, Director of the City’s Department of Youth Engagement and Employment. “One big piece of Youth Lead the Change’s success is creating real opportunities for youth participation. We were able to do that by meeting young people where they are, building relationships, and allowing them to be the experts that we know they are in spaces where they are safe and comfortable."

For more information about Youth Lead the Change and this year’s winning projects, please visit: http://www.cityofboston.gov/news/Default.aspx?id=20158.

About The United States Conference of Mayors

The U.S. Conference of Mayors is the official nonpartisan organization of cities with populations of 30,000 or more. There are nearly 1,400 such cities in the country today, and each city is represented in the Conference by its chief elected official, the mayor. Like us on Facebook at facebook.com/usmayors, or follow us on Twitter at twitter.com/usmayors.



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