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哈佛學霸推學術「朋友圈條條」 獲徐小平投資

據(新浪科技訊) 哈佛峰會十周年特別活動,在綫教育和社交App「條條」在人民大學附屬中學正式發布,創始團隊來自哈佛、麻省理工和騰訊等,創始之初即獲真格基金百萬美元天使投資,徐小平出席發布會並表示:「非常看好條條App團隊和條條App的應用前景。」

條 條App取名自「條條大路通羅馬」,目標用戶為高中和大學在校生,是一款目標達成類社交軟件。用戶可在平台上進行自身閲讀書籍或者考題的分享,並打卡記 錄,主打「學術朋友圈」的概念,除了記錄自己的學習軌跡,還能了解其他用戶的學習過程,目標用戶中多數有SAT備考需求,而創始團隊的「哈佛峰會」背景也 能為這些用戶提供精準幫助。

據 創始人湯玫捷介紹,條條旨在連接高效學習和高效社交兩種場景,並通過二者連接達成目標社交,以榜樣和激勵的方式不斷實現自我目標達成,此前,條條App已 經以哈佛峰會600多名來自全國的學員進行了內測,很多學生表示,條條App提供了一個與傳統「朋友圈」完全相反的、關注於奮鬥路上小事記錄的平台,可以 讓自己靜心閲讀一本書,或者有達成某個目標的動力和耐力,比如SAT備考刷題。


(News Chinatown) 隨著整個城市的發展,提出要考慮一個完整的議程,波士頓重建局董事會在8月13號晚的會議批准了8個項目,其中備受支持的建議包括:城市需求可負擔得起之底收入住房項目、南邊新酒店、在多切斯特為藝術家及殘疾人興建公寓。


自 2006年開始參與董事會成員Paul Foster,以及自1989年擔任財政的Consuelo Gonzales-Thornell, 最後一次出席會議,市長 Martin J. Walsh 任命Priscilla Rojas一位經驗豐富的審計師及Carol Downs曾擔任在牙買加平原的小企業主,承擔董事會職位。

作為波士頓城市的規劃和經濟發展機構,BRA與社區建立合作夥伴關係,計劃波士頓的未來,同時尊重它的過去;該機構熱心的工作人員關注波士頓​​街區和市 中心的發展趨勢,令社會和經濟增長、塑造一個更加繁榮、有彈性、充滿活力的城市,並為居民通過就業培訓的新機遇,提升服務行業及就業機會,了解更多請閱 覽:

www.bostonredevelopmentauthority.org, and follow us on Twitter @BostonRedevelop。.

BRA approves eight new projects totaling over $401 million

With a full agenda of proposed developments across the city to consider, the Boston Redevelopment Authority’s Board of Directors approved eight projects at last night’s meeting. Among the many proposals that won support were a large downtown affordable and workforce housing project, a new hotel in the South End, an expanded home for Artists for Humanity, and apartments in Dorchester for persons with disabilities.

Combined, the approved projects represent $401.6 million worth of investment in Boston’s economy, and they are expected to create 695 construction jobs. The 471,000 square feet of approved residential projects will produce a total of 413 new units of housing.

It was the last meeting for outgoing board members Paul Foster, who has served since 2006, and Consuelo Gonzales-Thornell, the treasurer of the board who has served since 1989. Next month, Priscilla Rojas, an experienced auditor, and Carol Downs, a small business owner in Jamaica Plain, will assume positions on the board. Mayor Martin J. Walsh announced their appointments in July.

About the Boston Redevelopment Authority

As the City of Boston’s urban planning and economic development agency, the BRA works in partnership with the community to plan Boston's future while respecting its past. The agency’s passionate and knowledgeable staff guides physical, social, and economic change in Boston’s neighborhoods and its downtown to shape a more prosperous, resilient, and vibrant city for all. The BRA also prepares residents for new opportunities through employment training, human services and job creation. Learn more at www.bostonredevelopmentauthority.org, and follow us on Twitter @BostonRedevelop.



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