實至名歸《梅伍銀寬的:博士之路》 |
僑社新聞 |
週二, 07 六月 2022 22:26 |
實至名歸《梅伍銀寬的:博士之路》 (News Chinatown徐佩蒂報導) 「纽英崙梅氏公所」日前於昆市龍鳳大酒樓,祝賀梅伍銀寬博士榮獲 Tufts University 頒發的「公共服務榮譽博士!」宴會伊始梅少彬主席、梅麗梨主席歡迎各位宗親的來臨。 梅麗梨主席以「實至名歸、博士之路」介紹新進梅伍銀寬博士:「GreaterBoston Chinese Golden Age Center」中華耆英會:從1972年開始在她的領導之下,從Harrison街的營養部開始,發展到現今每天提供超過 4000多份營養餐給長者,一部三會址服務中心,以及分佈各城市的外展中心。 (圖) 各位梅氏宗親紛紛送上祝福與梅伍銀寬博士拍照留念,在歡聲笑語中相互鼓勵,展望未來為更多為社會貢獻良多的宗親們祝賀。 Midtown Home Health Services, Inc.中城家庭健康服務社:1981 年成立,提供家庭護理、支援員、家庭健康護理員、個人護理、家務員、陪伴員、醫療護送、服務信息和醫療轉介服務。 Hong Lok House康樂樓:從28個單位改建為74個可負擔的房屋單位,改善了周邊娼妓以及酗酒的惡劣居住環境。 Moy Shee Association of New England纽英崙梅氏公所:自1996年至今全心投入公所事務,從就職財政到榮任梅氏第一位女性主席和全美理事會理事,梅博士深受全世界梅氏家族成員尊敬和愛戴,更重要的是她爭取市府以及省政府對老年服務上的支持以及成為華裔社區和主流社會和政府的橋樑,她是真正一步一腳印,初心不變,服務社群五十年,昂首前行中的梅伍銀寬博士。」 (圖) 右至左梅少彬主席、梅伍銀寬博士、梅麗梨主席合攝。 梅博士發言:「感謝梅炳鈿元老、梅錫銳元老、梅麗梨主席和梅少彬主席籌備本次慶祝會,多謝各位宗親的祝賀和多年對本人和所服務機構的支持和鼓勵。梅氏大家庭對我的情誼,本人深感銘記於心,服務社群,堅守提供各項社會服務計劃,保障華裔耆英權益,協助在生活上、情緒、以及適應上有困難的人士,促進耆英身心健康,保持獨立自助的家居生活,是中華耆英和中城健康護理社的服務宗旨。多謝大家繼續支持中華耆英會、中城家庭健康服務社和社區各社團。謹祝梅氏公所會務昌隆,同心攜手邁向更美好的明天。」 「梅伍銀寬和我相識、相遇超過半個世紀、亦師亦友、同行同伴、我和海蘭有幸參加這個典禮,祝賀她晉升公共服務榮譽博士,實致名歸,為美華亞裔之光。」中華耆英會董事長陳建立夫婦非常開心,應邀出席盛會並送上至誠致意。 Ruth Moy receive an honorary Doctor of Public Service degree From Tufts University Ruth Moy, community leader in Boston’s Chinatown neighborhood. Moy’s career in business and human services spans nearly 50 years. Since 1973, Moy has been leading The Greater Boston Chinese Golden Age Center—a nonprofit dedicated to advocacy on behalf of Chinese-speaking Asian seniors—and currently serves as its executive director. She applied knowledge that she gained as an entrepreneur working in family restaurants to the provision of culturally and linguistically competent care and services to the community’s seniors. Recognizing that political advocacy at both the city and state levels was crucial to securing funds for community services, she has persistently championed the creation of solutions designed to fill gaps in social services and to enhance the elderly. Her advocacy efforts also led to the establishment of a service network focused on the region’s growing elderly population, including a nutrition and hot lunch program, adult day health programs, and senior centers servicing towns and cities in Greater Boston. She will receive an honorary Doctor of Public Service degree. From the Tufts University。