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Statement from Newburyport Mayor Donna D. Holaday
作者是 Alan K Chow   

Statement from Newburyport Mayor

Donna D. Holaday

PictureAlan Lavender

NEWBURYPORT -- The following is a statement from the City of Newburyport Mayor Donna D. Holaday regarding the death of former Mayor Alan Lavender.I am extremely saddened to hear of the sudden passing of Al Lavender. Al was an active member in the Newburyport community and in city government.

He served as mayor from 2002 to 2003 and was a city councilor at large for the eight years prior to serving as Mayor. Al loved working for the City of Newburyport and he was loved by our community. He collaborated with staff members from all departments and recruited skilled key staff, several of whom I am fortunate to still have working for the city. Al shared his vision for Newburyport, and employees enjoyed working with him on a daily basis.

Al was known by everyone as a kind, even-keeled man whose number one priority was family. He and his wife Betty were inseparable and could frequently be seen at numerous events around the city. Al joined the City’s School Building Committee to help move forward the vote on two school projects and the senior community center. Al really wanted a senior center for our community and I am pleased that wish was fulfilled.

Since the beginning of my career as an elected official, Al was key to encouraging me to run for city council. I would not be mayor today if it was not for his candid support over the years.

ask the news media to please be sensitive to the family’s wishes for privacy.”

作者是 Alan K Chow   


(News Chinatown徐佩蒂報導) 總檢察長Maura Healey正在提醒麻州的公眾和雇主關于2017年1月1日生效的最低工資的增加;AG辦公室更新了雇主必須填寫的工資和工作小時,14種語言表達的海報,讓工人、公眾和組織明白;AG Healey說,我們正在通知人們最低工資的增長,使雇主了解他們的法律義務,使工人知道他們的權利,通過教育,外聯和執法行動,我們將繼續開展工作,保護麻州工人及其家庭的經濟安全。

立法機構自2008年以來努力爭取最低工資,2014年7月第一次通過了最低工資立法;自1月1日起,最低工資將增加到每小時11美元;同時自1月1日起,每月收到超過20美元小費的員工必須至少每小時支付$ 3.75,條件有提示,員工每小時收到至少11美元,如雇員的每小時總工資(包括小費)不等于11美元,那雇主必須彌補差額。

AG 的工資和時間海報的複印件會有中文,英文,海地克里奥爾語,高棉語,葡萄牙語,西班牙語和越南語,要索取副本,請訪:www.mass.gov/ago/fldposter或致電(617)963-2250。



2016年9月,AG Healey 發布了第一份勞動節報告,介紹其辦公室打擊和預防工資盗窃的努力,报告顯示,僅在2016年,該辦事處代表麻州的工作人員收回了380萬美元的賠償和處罰。

作者是 Alan K Chow   

國民黨4位前主席願捐款並助募款 國民黨現金遭台當局行政機構「不當黨産處理委員會」凍結,洪秀柱20日上午邀歷任主席連戰、吳伯雄、馬英九、朱立倫於中央黨部會商;4位前主席都表達願意捐款與協助募款,也批評「黨産條例違法違憲」,「黨産委員會」作為是綠色恐怖,對必要時採和平抗爭行動達成共識;據了解,連戰率先提及必要時和平抗爭,馬英九說,必要願意參加;國民黨秘書長莫天虎轉述「黨産條例」違法及「黨産會」的濫權作為,馬英九希望一定要讓島內外的人都了解,尤其要讓島外的人能夠了解台灣目前的狀況;國民黨文傳會主委周志偉表示,對於馬再度耳提面命,接下來會提出相關作法,包括持續向國際媒體投書,也會規劃是否再辦一場中外的記者會。


(News Chinatown徐佩蒂報導) 總檢察長Maura Healey 宣布(Omnicare Inc.)全美國最大的葯業機構將向麻省醫療補助計劃(Mass Health)支付超過475,000美元,以解决有關該公司参與回扣安排並向該州提交虚假索賠的指控;一筆2800萬美元付款是與美國聯邦機構達成協議的一部分;與Omnicare公司(Omnicare)達成的協議指出,藥厰巨頭與藥物制造商雅培實驗室(Abbott Labor)(Abbott)合作進行了一些偽裝的回扣安排,以增加Depakote (一種用于治療癲癇的處方抗惊厥藥物)的整體使用,變相精神障碍,並幫助預防偏願痛,Omnicare 將向解决方案下的Mass Health支付總額476,216美元。

AG Healey 說Omnicare的非法回扣得自「老年人和弱勢患者」從Mass Health成員和納税人那獲得非法利潤的公司,事件將繼續由AG辦公室負責;Omnicare Inc.于2015年8月被CVS Health Corporation收購,它為老年護理機構和其他專業醫療機構提供藥品和相關藥品服務;Omnicare將向州和聯邦政府支付共計2812.5萬美元的民事損害賠償金,以補償Medicaid;Medicare和其他聯邦醫療保健計劃對所指行為造成的損害,助理總檢察長Robert Patten的醫療補助欺詐部門,組成了包括來自加利福尼亞州,伊利諾州,馬里蘭州,紐約州,俄亥俄州,南卡羅來納州和弗吉尼亞州的總檢察長辦公室署理。(詳情查閱:麻省市政AG英文 AG原版)

Medicaid Fraud Settlement Part of $28 Million Joint State-Federal Agreement
作者是 Alan K Chow   


Medicaid Fraud Settlement Part of $28 Million Joint State-Federal Agreement

BOSTON– The largest institutional pharmacy in the nation will pay the Massachusetts Medicaid Program (Mass Health) more than $475,000 to resolve allegations that the company participated in a kickback arrangement and caused the submission of false claims to the state, Attorney General Maura Healey announced today. The payment is part of a $28 million joint state-federal agreement.

The agreement with Omnicare Inc. (Omnicare) settles claims that the pharmacy giant conspired with pharmaceutical drug manufacturer Abbott Laboratories (Abbott) to engage in a number of disguised kickback arrangements to increase overall use of Depakote, a prescription anticonvulsant drug used to treat epilepsy and bipolar disorder and to help prevent migraine headaches. Omnicare will pay a total of $476,216 to Mass Health under the settlement.“Omnicare’s illegal kickbacks came at the expense of seniors and vulnerable patients,” said AG Healey. “Corporations that reap illicit profits from Mass Health members and taxpayers will continue to be held accountable by my office.”

Omnicare Inc. was acquired by CVS Health Corporation in August 2015. It provides pharmaceuticals and related pharmacy services to elder care facilities and in other specialized health care settings. The states participating in this settlement contend that between January 2001 and December 2008, Omnicare knowingly solicited and received illegal payments from Abbott through agreements that required Omnicare to engage in certain promotional programs, grants, and other financial support. This alleged conduct resulted in false claims to Medicaid and other federally-funded health care programs.

Omnicare will pay the states and the federal government a total of $28.125 million in civil damages to compensate Medicaid, Medicare, and other federal healthcare programs for harm suffered as a result of the alleged conduct. This settlement is based on two whistleblower cases that were consolidated and are pending in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Virginia. The cases were filed under federal and state false claims statutes. Assistant Attorney General Robert Patten of AG Healey’s Medicaid Fraud Division handled the settlement of this matter on behalf of the Commonwealth. The team appointed by the National Association of Medicaid Fraud Control Units to investigate this matter includes representatives from the Offices of the Attorneys General for the states of California, Illinois, Maryland, New York, Ohio, South Carolina and Virginia.


作者是 Alan K Chow   


BOSTON - Thursday, October 6, 2016 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced the recipients of the Edward Ingersoll Browne Trust Fund Grants. Pending the approval of the Boston City Council, a total of $856,257 will be distributed among eight projects, designed to enhance and improve public spaces through restoration and public art.

"Edward Ingersoll Browne left an invaluable legacy to the City of Boston, creating a fund that ensures our public spaces remain places of inspiration," said Mayor Walsh. "The grants announced today will help to enhance local neighborhoods, schools and communities, ensuring art remains accessible to all." The approved proposals are as follows:

The Friends of Doherty Park will receive $69,500 for the restoration of the Doherty Park Fountain in Charlestown.

The Mather Parent Council and Boston Public Schools will receive $140,000 for the Communing at Mather School Site Improvement. The grant will cover the construction of a welcoming new gateway to the Mather School in Dorchester, with a granite seating and planting of heirloom apple trees.

Historic Boston Incorporated will receive $150,000 for the Fowler Clark Epstein Farm restoration. Efforts will include landscape enhancement and historic preservation at the Fowler Clark Epstein Farm in Mattapan.

The Old North Foundation of Boston will receive a grant of $46,350 for the Old North Church and Foundation / Longfellow Gardens. The grant will cover the design development of a display of the iconic Longfellow poem combined with a water feature in the North End.

The Manning School Outdoor Exploration Committee will receive a grant of $117,407 for the Joseph P. Manning Elementary School in Jamaica Plain. The grant will cover improvements to the schoolyard, including the creation of a front porch and entry plaza plus a sculpture. The new entrance to the school will serve as a gathering place for students and parts.

The Washington Gateway Main Street Association will receive a grant of $28,500 for Ride Along Washington, a proposal to design, build and install eight bike racks along Washington Street in Roxbury.

The Friends of Frederick Douglass received a grant of $250,000 for the construction of a memorial to Frederick Douglass The project will be sited at 998 Tremont Street in Roxbury.

Puerto Rican Veterans Memorial Association will receive a grant for $54,500 for the installation of an irrigation system and landscaping improvements

In 1892, Edward Ingersoll Browne, a successful Boston attorney with a strong sense of civic pride and public spirit, wrote his will directing that one-third of his estate be set aside in a special fund for the improvement of Boston's public spaces. Grants from Mr. Browne's bequest are utilized for the design, fabrication and installation of permanent works of public art in Boston.


BOSTON Attorney General Maura Healey announced today that she has notified the United States Fish and Wildlife Service of her office’s intention to file a lawsuit against the federal government to confirm the state’s ownership of thousands of acres of submerged lands bordering the Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge (Monomoy) in Nantucket Sound.

For generations, the state has responsibly managed and regulated the submerged lands, the waters above them, and the related fisheries and resources for the benefit of both the natural resources and the public. The AG’s expected lawsuit will seek to restore that balance, which has been in place throughout Monomoy’s 72-plus year existence, but has been threatened by federal actions.

“Communities in Massachusetts have led the country in protecting marine ecosystems while supporting a modern and robust fishing and shell fishing industry,” AG Healey said. “After more than 70 years of uncontested ownership and maintenance of the submerged land and the waters above them in Nantucket Sound, we are taking this action to reaffirm our commitment to protect these valuable Cape habitats for future generations.”

On March 31, 2016, the federal government finalized a Comprehensive Conservation Plan and Environmental Impact Statement for Monomoy, where it claimed to own and control not only the 3,599 acres of land above the low water line that it has historically managed, but also an additional 4,005 acres of submerged land and the open waters in Nantucket Sound that is not part of the National Wildlife Refuge. The federal government’s claim appeared for the first time in 2014, following 72 years of undisputed stewardship and ownership of these lands by the state.

“I’m very happy that the Attorney General is moving forward to defend the state’s interest in the waters west of Monomoy Island,” said State Rep. Sarah Peake (D-Provincetown). “It is unconscionable to me that the federal Fish and Wildlife Agency, with the mere swipe of the pen, can usurp state and local interest in this area.”

In 1944, the federal government filed a declaration of taking in federal court to acquire approximately 3,000 acres of land to establish the Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge, but the court filing did not grant the federal government ownership of “submerged land” lying in Nantucket Sound which would have added an additional 5,934 acres. For most of Monomoy’s 72-year history, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife has viewed its boundary as the land above the low water line – which amounted to 3,599 acres as of the year 2000 – and left the regulation and management of the submerged lands and open waters – 4,005 acres as of the year 2000 – to the state and the Town of Chatham.

The AG’s Office filed extensive comments on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s draft Comprehensive Conservation Plan, along with its final plan,pressing its long-held view that the federal government did not acquire any of the submerged land in Nantucket Sound through its eminent domain action in 1944.

Todays’ announcement of AG Healey’s intent to file suit is the first litigation-related step in the process of resolving the issue of ownership over the land and bringing to an end the dispute over management of the area. Under the federal Quiet Title Act, a state seeking to challenge the federal government’s claimed ownership of land must notify the head of the federal agency with jurisdiction over the lands in question of the state’s intention to file suit at least 180-days prior to filing the suit. If the parties are unable to resolve the dispute during that period, the AG’s Office expects to file a lawsuit in the U.S District Court for the District of Massachusetts seeking to establish the state’s ownership of the submerged land in Nantucket Sound.

This matter is being handled by Assistant Attorney General and Senior Appellate Counsel Seth Schofield of AG Healey’s Energy and Environment Bureau.


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